Rome, 3000 years and going strong!

Our year ZERO? ... over 2000 years ago I mean... yup...Rome had already been happening for at least 700 years!
Gods and Titans, emperors and soldiers, don't forget gladiators... temples, columns, water aqueducts and ... virgins!
Michelangelo designing today's Senate seat!
The Colosseum wasn't really the Arena but a Statue!
Squares that got flooded intentionally with people in them and others watching from the balconies!
Temples with holes in the ceiling that never got fixed!
Real Life "Time portals" that take you back 3000 years! Did I forget anything? Most probably!!
It's all here in my visually compelling guide of Rome!
The Eternal City has the remains to show for it all. Like an open-air museum you can take a stroll and "take ancient Rome in" walking through the Roman or Imperial Fora or "take modern Rome in" wandering through bustling streets and piazzas with charming cafès, designer boutiques and something to discover on every corner!


Me posing? Check out the titanic guy behind me. The one in concrete :)

Rome: The Eternal City

 Carla's Visually compelling

Guide of 10 World Renowned places to visit in Rome


Visually compelling guide. It's all here ...

And you won't miss a thing of Rome!

Rome has it all from Gods, myths, legends, emperors, soldiers, gladiators and... virgins!

Let me inspire you with this guide so while you're visiting, you know what to keep an eye out for and don't miss a thing!

Visit Rome in 10 steps (& some bonuses)... but not 10 minutes!

Spanish Steps, Trinità dei Monti, Piazza di Spagna, Trevi Fountain, Piazza Navona, Pantheon, Piazza Venezia, Altare della Patria, Campidoglio, Roman fora, Imperial fora, Colosseum


This comprehensive guide includes my walking route too!

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 Carla's Maps: 10 steps on your phone!

Rome Walking Map

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Visit Rome in 10 steps...

but not 10 minutes!

Take your time with this route and with this city.

Make sure you "take Rome in".

something to discover on every corner! and...

You won't miss a thing!

with this walking Map of

10 world Renowned places to visit in Rome

use it on your

google maps app!

Easy to get! Easy info! Easy directions! Easy to retrieve!

What you're going to miss of Rome? nothing!

'cause you can use this visually compelling Guide of Rome on your phone!

Includes the Walking Itinerary of Rome for FREE. 

Let google maps guide you and don't miss a thing!

Roman inspiration

So many layers of sports and entertainment through the centuries.


Piazza Navona in Rome, layers and centuries of sports and entertainmentThis square is delimited by the buildings set on the remains of one of the most impressive and history-rich structures of ancient Rome, preserving its shape and dimensions: the Domitian Arena. It is one of the most spectacular and characteristic urban complexes of Baroque Rome. Was flooded by the Pope until the 1800s... all types of peaople in the water and others just watched from their balconies! was he crazy? was it a case of mass hysteria? 




Church of Sant'Agnese in Angone dominating Piazza Navona in RomeThe church of Sant'Agnese in Agone

is in dominant view of the square and was built and changed over the years by various architects, making it one of the most magnificent baroque architectures in Rome. Next to the church, you can find the Pamphilj Palace, where the Brazilian embassy has been located since 1960. Opposite is the church of Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore, formerly known as San Giacomo degli Spagnoli, built for the Jubilee in 1450.


Three magnificent fountains

adorn the square: the Fontana del Moro, so called for the statue of the Ethiopian fighting with a dolphin, the Fontana de' Calderari, also known as the Fountain of Neptune, both works by Giacomo della Porta and, in the centre, the imposing Fountain of the Four Rivers, designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini.


   three magnificent fountains in piazza navona, fontana dei 4 fiumi, fontana del moro and fontana di nettuno   three magnificent fountains in piazza navona, fontana dei 4 fiumi, fontana del moro and fontana di nettunoFontana dei 4 fiumi in piazza Navona in Rome. Personifying the 4 major rivers of the world with more than human-sized statues 



The Pope had the square flooded!

You read that right! A peculiarity up to the 1800s. The Pope had the square flooded! and in the water were people of all kinds and classes, rich and poor, musicians, actors... treatment not only for visitors but also the residents. And who lived there just stayed on their balconies and watched! Was it a case of mass hysteria? Find out more with visuals and info below...






Carla's Guides:



Carla's Visual Guide of Rome with FREE Walking map includedRome: The Eternal City


Piazza Navona: Step 4

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