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How to use "Carla's Routes" on your Google Maps app!


As you might have gathered from a thing or two, I create and provide detailed routes and itineraries that you can use on your Google Maps app.


I've spent countless hours creating the routes and adding the info, just like on my guides on my channels... and even more time exploring different features and techniques.


Let's dive in!


using carla's walking itineraries on google maps is easyLike Magic! Just click the link


I'll send you the walking routes to your email with a link. All you have to do is... click on the link and like magic, the map will open up in your google maps app.






Easy information on visiting POIs on Carla's routesEasy Info!


Read information and peculiarities like in my graphic guides. Just:

1. clicking on the POIs and

2. "more info" down below.




Easy directions on google maps using carla's walking itinerary while visiting Italy Easy Directions!


Set and Listen to step by step directions on how to get from one POI to another easily. Just:

Click on the "directions" tab down below and set the next destination shown on my walking itinerary.




Retrieve carla's walking map easily on your google maps appDid you lose it?


No worries! Your map is saved for you in your app! Easy to retrieve, here's how:

Go to the "saved" tab and hit "maps"




Need a manual?


Using my walking itineraries while you're visiting Italy on your phone is easy peasy.

It's easy info! easy directions and easy to retrieve! 

But if you like, I can send you a step by step manual on how to do it just tell me where to send it.